Nobody Yet Everybody
1 min readDec 28, 2020


The Unified Subject

I have a feeling that each human is born more like an unified subject and without a sense of self or ego; a pristine consciousness. The sense of self is first created when he for the first time sees himself in the mirror and realizes that the mirror image alone choreographers his thoughts and every thing else suddenly becomes an Other. Between the world of Other and the freshly baked self i.e. the child, lies an interesting object - mostly the mother. The mother then becomes an agent of faith in a world of Others with naturally conflicting needs. The relation between the child and the mother in itself becomes an unified crystal like self. From outside, the mother becomes an object for the child because the power always lies with the child; more the gap in power more pristine is thier unified self. This development becomes the gold standard of faith for the child who soon will grow as an adult with needs that requires him to relate to folks outside his mother. From the day he or she realizes this facticity of human existence, he is forever entangled between the dialectics of love-hate, friends-foe, peace-war, forgiveness-revenge. Some become men of justice to find a harmony, some men of war until they destroy their own selves, and some men of devotion until they surrender their self to either some god or lose everything for a lover. Not using logic,the most unsuccessful is the first type, in reclaiming the lost unified subject.

Ps: some lucan, some Kierkegaard, some me

