Entry Bla Bla

Nobody Yet Everybody
2 min readSep 7, 2022

The world do not need me and I do not need the world. The world doesn’t even need it’s own self.

Logic do not need me and I do not need logic.

I am selfish and it is all right. Nature will take care of the balancing act — I need not become the judge neither should I become guilty of someone’s judgement. We all secretly know that morality is an invention used to induce shame when we do not get what we want and we escape when we need to give what we do not have or do not wish to give.

If there is love, it will reveal on it’s own. There need not be conscious attempt in fact there should be conscious attempt to suppress it — if there is love, it will surprise everyone, even thought for the moment. Ha ha ha…

Drink less, smoke less, if I don’t want to beg at my old age

Drink more, smoke more, if I am ready to die in a government hospital in a city where I have no one, by people who know nothing about me. What is beautiful anyways. We all are obsolete in the future

Stay away from people who analyze and recommend ways of life. No body knows nothing. People are just trying to earn few rupees on youtube and make a meaning out of their half baked selves.

The world has and will always be a battlefield of my and people’s needs, expectations and desires. One moment of peace, another moment of cries, and in between some irrational perpetual optimism.

Everything is all right. Nothing needs to change. Nature will find our balance eventually. Our job is just TO ACT, mindlessly.


